Rome - Florence – Pisa – Florence – Rome
So last night was hellish. I slept? I think? Its really hard to tell. The thing about the Rome Termini Station is they have these TVs everywhere blaring these commercials. They don’t do anything else other than repeating the same 4 commercials again and again in random order. It wasn’t terrible at first but then this one commercial in particular started to bore into my brain and drive me mad. It featured this incessant dissonant whistling and random images featuring some kinda nose medication. It would just play over and over sometimes 4 times in a row. I wanted to break things. But instead I put in my headphones in and tried to sleep I went in search of a better sleeping hole at about 4am when the station “opened”. After moving around and enduring security waking me up every time I looked like I might be sleeping (why on earth is it against the law to rest your eyes at a table in McDonalds?) I gave up on sleeping and bought a ticket to Florence (8am). I got to sleep on the train, thank goodness, and from Florence I bought a ticket to Pisa and one back to Rome. Soon I was on my way to Pisa and my spirits were lifted, I was excited to experience a city on my own this time. I think I’m addicted to orange Fanta and black licorice… what a weird combination.. Pisa was amazing despite my refusal to pay for a luggage service and my inability to find any free maps whatsoever. That only meant I would have to lug around my enormous pack like a agoraphobic turtle and hope that I don’t knock things over when I go into stores. I did have to pretend that I was going to buy a map a couple of times at the little magazine vender huts in order to glance at a map but soon I was off heading in the right direction and taking photos like a madman. What if madmen really did take photos? I bet they would be amazing. Anyway, soon I felt a grumble in my tummy and so I stopped at the nearest Arabic Falafel joint. Can’t go wrong with Arabic food! That’s what I always say… So I ate my amazing lamb and listened to a couple argue with each other in English and then I just kept on walking. It actually wasn’t to far to the Tower of Pisa but I took my time. Once there I was very friendly with everyone so they would take my picture in all kindsa weird poses. It paid off. After the Tower I headed back to the Station taking a different way and got some great photos and people and colorful buildings. The sunlight was perfect. After the train to Florence I hopped aboard another to Rome. I realized as I got there that it was a bit late and I had no idea where I was going to find a Hostel. Some man pretending to be with tourist information approached me in the Rome Termini and told me he had a great hostel for me that was really cheap. He walked me almost all the way there before he admitted that it was 30 Euro. I was like haaale naw gurll! And left him in a hurry. Then I spent some time wandering around and asking prices at hostels and one star hotels. No luck, everything was over 30 Euro. I really didn’t want to sleep in the station again so I had to use my head. I knew that many Hotels have free wifi in the lobby so I picked the biggest on I could find and walked in. It was a Radisson. I walked over to a cushy chair and pulled out my laptop. Grrrrr… You have to be renting a room to use the “free” internet… hmmm, I thought. There’s gotta be a way to get the last name and room number of someone staying here. I tried just asking someone, nope that didn’t work. I tried guessing, nope. I had to be extra tricky. So I took my camera out and walked over to the front desk pretending to look at pamphlets while I took photos of all the random papers on the desk. I went back to my seat and jackpot! I found Mr. Wi who just checked into RM 542 upside-down on a paper on the desk. It worked and I was free to roam the internets for a cheap Hostel. I found one in no time and off I was again! It was actually ridiculously close and I had walked passed it earlier but it had no sign. It was really nice to laydown on a bed and oh my lucky stars they had a washer and dryer! It was change operated but I didn’t care I was all about getting my wash on! My roomies were really nice and I told them stories like an old grandpa would. They were youngins and were only here for a few weeks. They were impressed / confused with my lack of planning. Soon after my laundry was done I collapsed into a pile of hot good smelling clothes and slept the night away.
Here is a short list of things I’ve found are different between Europe and the USA… (Please… You read in Russian accent?)
- In United States, peoples are all the time going to the stores and spending the moneys. In the Europa, Peoples are all the times sleeping and smoking and then drinking the wines and then singing together in revelry and then wearing the fur coats and the posh boots Hahahhahahaha…
- In United States, Peoples are eats fast food from the drive in. In the Europa, The fast food eats you! Hahahhahaha…
- In the Europe peoples are like to kiss and touch each other espesh when they are very strangers. In United States, touching IS FORBIDEN! Hahahahahah…
In the Europes people don’t believe in carpeted floors and they think that stone is best. Those with carpeted floors are DEMONS! Hahahahahh…
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